SAN ANTONIO - A motorcycle rider was is recovering after crashing into a vehicle on the North Side. She previously worked for WICS/WRSP 20 in Springfield, Illinois. They found the rider in the grass, several feet away from the motorcycle. The contact form sends information by non-encrypted email, which is not secure. document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); We have answers. A San Antonio motorcycle accident lawyer can help you seek the maximum amount of compensation possible for medical treatment, long-term care expenses, lost wages, and more. I would definitely recommend them to my family and friends! KSAT will update you with more information as it becomes available. Our thoughts are with them at this time. Nothing we've presented on this website should be taken as legal advice nor does it constitute any attorney-client relationship. insurance company Not being fair with you? Call (800) 674-7854 We didnt know what to expect from the insurance company when they offered nothing. These sources include but are not limited to local and state police reports, local news reports, social media platforms, and eyewitness accounts about the accident described. ","changeDateErrorMsg":"Please enter a valid date! The rolling hill country of San Antonio offers a very appealing backdrop for a motorcycle ride. Unfortunately, many motorcyclists require immediate care and long-term medical treatment. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); One Injured in Motorcycle Accident on I-35 at Stonewall in San Antonio, TX. Crockett County, TX -- February 1, 2023, a San Antonio man and two others were injured following an accident involving multiple trucks. SAN ANTONIO A motorcyclist lost control of his bike and slammed into a concrete barrier overnight, closing down parts of I-10 for nearly an hour. I sometimes wonder if construction companies have enough safety training to inform employees of how to protect themselves while on the job. When you're ready to get back on the road to recovery, reach out to your San Antonio motorcycle accident lawyer. The insurance company is already building a case. Regrettably, thousands of crashes involving motorcycles take place every year in the state of Texas. I definitely recommend Jeff to anyone., Mr. Everyone in the Benton Law office is very kind and professional! Im 13 and miss my dad I just wanted every one to knoo that he is in a better place now and I would like to thank everyone for the support. 15 of 17 16 of 17 San Antonio police and fire personnel work Thursday September 17, 2015 at the scene of an accident involving a motorcycle and a pickup truck at about 2:15 p.m. at West Loop 1604 . Free Case Review. For shareable content, video content, and additional resources, please visit the TxDOT website. Brett you rock man !!! Descriptions: A motorcyclist was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after crashing into a car on the North Side, San Antonio police said. We couldnt be happier with how they handled our case. Contact us by dialing 214-522-9404 or by filling out the online form below. The accident occurred in the 500 block of Walzem Road at about 11:30 a.m., when a 31-year-old man was reportedly swerving between lanes. More : A motorcyclist was hospitalized with life-threatening . It appears that 29-year-old Joeby Byrd was on a Cam-Am Spyder three-wheel motorcycle. To learn more, click here. SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) A man is dead after crashing his motorcycle on Interstate 35 in downtown San Antonio late Tuesday night. When officials arrived on scene, they found a man dead in the median. As per the initial information, the fatal motorcycle crash took place on IH-35 N. The early reports showed that the rider was going northbound on IH-35 N to US HWY 90 off-ramp when he lost control of the bike and struck a curb. 3 of 12 4 of 12. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing., When no one is accountable, no one is safe., 21 Lynn Batts Lane Suite 10San Antonio, Texas 78218. You could save a motorcyclists life. Play it safe and give enough time to slow down if you need to. Our team has not independently verified all the facts surrounding this accident. Updated: 8:56 AM CST February 9, 2023 SAN ANTONIO A motorcyclist hit a couple while they were crossing the street, injuring all three of them, according to police. I am grateful for this attorneys caring professionalism and would recommend him to anyone facing a personal injury crisis., Mr. Benton represented me in a personal injury lawsuit that happened while I was traveling from NJ (my hometown) to Dallas. Thanks, family and friends of Tony Wray. Disclaimer| Site Map| Privacy Policy | SEO by Sometimes, negligence can occur in subtle ways - even in single-vehicle accidents. He treated me like family from the start, made sure I had the best of the best healthcare even though I had no health insurance. One of those is single-vehicle wrecks. Another is motorcycle wrecks. That way, you know we're right for you before you sign anything. He may only have a leg but that is ALL he is lacking!! Call now 210-941-1515. A lot of people say smack about lawyers, but I want to say that Im glad there is a way that people who are wronged by corporate neglect can get justice and force change. You can also reach us 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by online chat, text message, and email. It appears that a motorcycle was traveling along the service road at the time. We will remove a post if requested. Investigators said a BMW was making a turn when a motorcyclist hit the side of the car. Whether you had to set your bike down and you walked away or you are in the hospital, you need a . Free Case Review. Texas Woman Injured in Accident at Cuatro Vientos in Laredo, TX . ","fileUploadOldCodeFileUpload":"FILE UPLOAD","currencySymbol":"$","thousands_sep":",","decimal_point":". Very professional and considerate., Jeff Benton changed my life-long fear and mistrust for lawyers. Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, March 3, 2023, 1:17 PM Look twice when changing lanes use your turn signal, check your mirrors and your blind spots. His team communicated consistently and professionally and remained patient during some emotional situations. San Antonio, TX (December 6, 2022) Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of a traffic accident that occurred in the San Antonio area that ended in injuries on Sunday evening, December 4. I was badly injured in an accident that resulted in a three level cervical fusion and Jeff was able to secure a settlement for me that was life changing. Se Habla Espaol. San Antonio Police are investigating a crash that injured a motorcyclist at Blanco Rd in San Antonio, TX on February 26th, 2023 . Copyright 2023 is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You may be able to receive compensation for lost wages, medical bills, or other expenses. If you have a disability preventing you from viewing this file, please contact, Julian Castro will announce his decision on running for President next weekend, Another non-stop option is coming to San Antonio International Airport this summer, San Antonio gas prices are expected to drop through most of January, Bexar County Sheriff Salazar introduces the new Department Psychologist, McManus: Kidnapping of 8-month-old was staged, boy still missing. or request a callback below. A woman was killed in a motorcycle crash on Thursday night after she reportedly struck a pole while riding east on San Antonio Road in Palo Alto, near the Mountain View border. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Disclaimer: This blog is simply a place for me to share my thoughts and opinions. Man suspected in more than 15 south Bexar County fires arrested, Spring-like weekend in store for San Antonio | FORECAST. SAN ANTONIO - A motorcyclist was hospitalized after crashing into a truck on the Northwest Side, San Antonio police said. 1.Motorcycle Crash - MAP. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.\t\t<\/span>\t<\/div><\/div>","label_pos":"above","parentType":"html","element_templates":["html","input"],"old_classname":"","wrap_template":"wrap"},{"objectType":"Field","objectDomain":"fields","editActive":false,"order":6,"idAttribute":"id","label_pos":"right","required":1,"container_class":"","element_class":"","manual_key":"","disable_input":"","admin_label":"readDisclaimer","help_text":"","desc_text":"","default_value":"unchecked","checked_calc_value":"","unchecked_calc_value":"","default":"unchecked","drawerDisabled":"","type":"checkbox","label":"I have read the disclaimer. We really appreciate you so much!, Ready to get the help you deserve? If you need help with the Public File, call 210-351-1241. Caption: Man is dead after a motorcycle race turns fatal (SBG San Antonio) The incident happened at around 12:30 a. m. on W. Little York and Briarstone Bay. The road rash results in bones and/or muscles becoming visible. The State of Texas saw a spike in motorcycle accidents in 2020, with 1,856 cyclists injured and 482 killed in just one year. Motorcycle fatalities on the rise in Texas. Over the years, Texas motorcycle accident attorneys at The Benton Law Firm have helped countless families recover the maximum amount of compensation available for their legal claims. Joe Arredondo is a photojournalist at KSAT 12. Authorities say the incident happened shortly before 12:30 a.m. along Southeast Loop 410 and East Southcross near South W.W. White Road. However, the high speed limits of Texas freeways combined with the limited visibility of a motorcycle can be a recipe for serious injury or a terrible tragedy. Share. Contact us today at (210) 957-2103 to set up a free consultation! 512-580-8334. A motorcycle accident can impact your life forever. The law office of Carabin Shaw has been representing the victims of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio for thirty years. The other driver waited at the scene of the accident until EMS arrived, but the man tragically succumbed to his wounds at the scene. Woman killed in motorcycle crash on San Antonio Road. Rating: 2 (1560 Rating) Highest rating: 3. Call (214) 777-7777 or. Contact our firm and you talk to an attorney IMMEDIATELY. What Happens When a UPS Truck Is in an Accident. San Antonio Motorcycle Accident Attorney - If you are looking for experienced attorneys then our service can give you the help you need. Authorities have identified the man as Anthony Galvan. Thank you for all your hard work and thank you for getting us the best deal we could have gotten! TxDOT has an annual campaign to increase driver awareness to reduce motorcycle accidents. 24/7. San Antonio Police and the San Antonio Fire Department responded to Loop 1604 just before the Military Drive exit for a reported motorcycle crash around 3 a.m.. Investigators said that the incident happened at around 3:30 a.m. in the area of I-35 and Stonewall Street, between Division and Southcross. Ever When the insurance companies didnt want to play nice, we hired the Benton Law Firm to clean up the mess. One person was killed after a single-vehicle accident early Saturday morning in San Antonio. The other driver was not reported as hurt. After a long hard fought battle. The driver did not stop. Area authorities are investigating a crash that killed a man at South General McMullen Dr in San Antonio, TX on February 27th, 2023. San Antonio police said Galvan was driving his. San Antonio Police are investigating a crash that injured a motorcyclist at Blanco Rd in San Antonio, TX on February 26th, 2023 . Mr. Benton was very professional, but genuinely empathetic, competent and most importantly, honest. Due to the fact that motorcyclists do not have adequate protection during accidents, the chances of them suffering severe and life-threatening injuries are dramatically increased. You should seek further assistance from a legal or medical professional if you or a loved one is a victim in an accident. Hopefully more prudent minds handle this accident and get to the bottom of what went wrong and if there are avenues to get the victim the help they need.

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